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if you have any questions please see the faq page first, if your question is not there we invite you to ask us directly.

Customer friendly

we practice customer friendliness to improve the quality of our service.

Support Request

If you are in trouble, don't hesitate to contact our live chat to ask for help!

Get Started

you only need a few simple steps to join us

need personal account verification here?

Yes, of course, we make all transactions easier for us and you.

What is the investment guarantee here?

for your investment you don't have to worry about the risk of loss, because all losses and profits are our responsibility. you will have no loss in our investment. for copytrade and mam the risk is your own responsibility, because it involves other people not from our team.

Emine Trade Regulated?

Yes! Emine Trade Global Is Register Via SVG Lisence Number 235638.

can user transfer money to other user?

yes you can, and it is allowed.

whether users are subject to tax?

The tax service is only applied to withdrawals and internal transfers or money exchanges, while for deposits the tax service depends on your deposit system.

Do you have an affiliate program?

yes sure. if you are interested you can register for free!

is there a bonus here?

yes! we offer 100% deposit bonus if you deposit 1000usd or more. This is only valid for new customers, for example you deposit 1000usd we will add funds of 1000usd to your account. VALID for deposit via card and mastercard contact livechat or support for more info.

whether the payment type is accepted?

We accept many types of payments such as Bitcoin, USD, credit card, PayPal, Litecoin, and many more.

how long EMINE TRADE has it been operating?

We have been operating since 2016.

how much min withdrawal?

min withdrawal it's 50 usd

How Long withdrawal proces?

proces can take in 15 minutes - 72 hours

What is Emine Trade

emine trade is a team of experts managing in investments such as forex trading, copytrade, mam, signal, cripto, robot trading, we have started since 2016 we have helped many people to generate side income and regular income.

How can i deposit money?

login into your account and chose deposit payment, if your dont have account with us please create it firts.

How can i withdraw?

login into your account and chose withdrawal payment.

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